Alfredo Puche

The Alternative Board

Alfredo Puche

About this Board

Facilitator Name
Alfredo Puche
Facilitator Title
Business Coach & Facilitator
Facilitator Bio

Alfredo has over 20 years of experience in owning and managing companies in many countries including Spain, Germany, Romania, USA, Canada, Mexico and New Zealand, and has had commercial relationships in European, American and Asian countries.

Over a period of seven years Alfredo participated in the creation and development of an international renewable energy company based in Spain, starting with €6,000 capital and reaching €380 million revenues and 1,600 employees. He has worked in many disciplines including Engineering, R&D, Production, Sales, Purchasing, HR, Quality Control and IT and has held Board positions for more than 15 years.

In 2016 Alfredo moved to New Zealand where for two years he worked in a management position for an electric equipment manufacturer in Hawkes Bay. He then chose to pursue the lifestyle offered by the Nelson Marlborough region and become a business owner with The Alternative Board. In doing so Alfredo followed one of his passions: helping other Business Owners develop their businesses while maintaining control of the business and their personal goals.

Together with his wife and two daughters, Alfredo loves the connection with nature that this region offers, enjoying tramping, ocean swimming, running and cycling. Alfredo holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering with a Masters in Electronics and Automation from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain. He is committed to continuous learning with a particular interest in keeping up to date with technology, and completed a Bachelor in Computing Systems from the Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawkes Bay in 2018.

In 2021 after running the Nelson Marlborough region successfully for some years, he took over ownership of The Alternative Board New Zealand.

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