    Reset Staff Expectations and Nurture Culture Now!

    Reset Staff Expectations and Nurture Culture Now!

    Amidst a recession and weak demand for products and services, business owners must reposition themselves for near-term survival and long-term prosperity in 2025. Introducing change through new strategic initiatives is imperative. However, a poor company culture can...

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    Strategies for Success in the Emerging Global Economy

    Strategies for Success in the Emerging Global Economy

    Feb. 22, 2024 | Posted by The Alternative Board The business sector continues to evolve into one of increased worldwide interconnectedness. Though there are arguably both positive and negative impacts of this dynamic, globalization provides many opportunities for...

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    Ten ways to boost staff productivity

    Ten ways to boost staff productivity

    As most business owners know the minimum wage went up by 7% from $21.20 to $22.70 on April 1 2023. The immediate effect on business owners who employ staff at the minimum wage is obvious, but the big unknown for most business owners is the flow-on effect to...

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