“Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast” – What does it mean?
There is a famous Peter Drucker quote that says that "culture eats strategy for breakfast". This implies that the culture of your company always determines success regardless of how effective your strategy may be. When he said that culture eats strategy for breakfast,...
How to create Top Actionable KPIs for your business
In business, what can be measured must be measured. There’s no excuse for neglecting metrics that inform you and your team how the business has performed in the past, and where it might be headed in the future. The data available to compile can say a lot about what...
Tips on Future-Proofing Your Business
No one can say with certainty what the future of business holds - except that change remains a constant. And because marketplace conditions are always in flux, it’s vital that business leaders keep a close eye on future trends and predictions. Being prepared for...
Communication Lightbulb: Leadership Transparency Builds Trust
Business leadership transparency is an approach to organisational communication that is characterised by the candid sharing of information, insight into decision-making processes, and conveying high-level issues that affect employees and other key stakeholders within...
Ten ways to boost staff productivity
As most business owners know the minimum wage went up by 7% from $21.20 to $22.70 on April 1 2023. The immediate effect on business owners who employ staff at the minimum wage is obvious, but the big unknown for most business owners is the flow-on effect to...
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